Wednesday, July 12, 2006


tuesday night was an interesting night for me. My good friend casey from high school needed a temp. monitor and i happened to have an extra. I headed out to west ish hollywood and was invited to their new apt. it is a perfect spot for casey and jamison. at about 12am i meet an interesting fella that cruised by. His name is shiloh greathouse. we all chilled and decided to hit up cinespace. It's been a looong time since i've been there and its alot more different, especially when your sober. I remember the blurry tuesday night/cinespace times we had with the hennessey crew. Shiloh ended up blowing chunks onto the carpet and a little on my shirt. Casey laughed, i ran to the bathroom to rinse off. Photographer, seu trinh of transworld skateboarding mag was there and i haven't seen that cat in long time.

we headed back to the apt. and we ended up in deep conversations between the four us ranging from religion to wheat thins till 4:30am. Comes to find out shiloh has been in the skateboarding industry for along time, opened up a skateboard shop back in phillippines and has been a pro skater for over 10 years.

work in 1 hour and im still awake. shit....

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